Perfect Morning in Venice

Venice, the city of canals, holds secrets that are best uncovered in the quietude of early mornings.

To experience Venice like a local is to embrace the serene beauty of dawn and savor the city’s culinary treasures. In this article, we’ll guide you through a perfect morning in Venice, as if you were a Venetian yourself. Prepare to stroll through empty squares, admire timeless art, savor delectable breakfasts, and relish in the unique flavors of this enchanting city.

Sunrise at St. Mark’s Square:

Begin your day with a tranquil walk to St. Mark’s Square. As the sun rises, you’ll have this iconic square almost entirely to yourself. The soft morning light casts a golden glow over the magnificent architecture, creating the perfect ambiance for photography. Capture the beauty of St. Mark’s Basilica, the Campanile, and the Doge’s Palace before the crowds arrive.

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Breakfast at “Al Theatro”:

After your morning photography session, head to “Al Theatro” a charming café nestled near La Fenice Theatre. Here, you can indulge in a typical Italian breakfast. Choose between a cappuccino or espresso, and pair it with a freshly baked “cornetto” (similar to a croissant). Alternatively, opt for a savory breakfast of a delicious sandwich and a refreshing orange juice. This delightful start to your day will fuel your exploration.

Explore San Polo:

Now, venture towards the San Polo district, one of Venice’s most authentic neighborhoods. Before you reach the Rialto Bridge, make a stop at the Church of San Salvador. Inside, you’ll find two magnificent paintings by the renowned artist Titian, adding a touch of artistry to your morning.

Rialto Fish Market and “Drogheria Màscari”:

Continue your journey to the Rialto Bridge, where you can explore the vibrant Rialto Fish Market (open from Tuesday to Saturday). Witness the bustling activity of local fishermen and marvel at the freshest catch from the Venetian lagoon. Nearby, make a visit to “Drogheria Màscari” one of Venice’s favorite shops. Here, you can pick up some salty toasted almonds to nibble on during your walk and an exquisite bottle of wine. Don’t hesitate to ask the shop assistant for a wine recommendation tailored to your taste.

“Bar All’Arco” for Cicchetti:

Conclude your morning with a stop at “Bar All’Arco” a legendary Venetian eatery renowned for its “cicchetti” – small, flavorful bites that pair perfectly with wine. Savor the freshest raw fish from the morning’s market, expertly prepared into delectable bites. The friendly atmosphere and the authenticity of this spot make it a true local gem.

A perfect morning in Venice as a local is a blend of serene moments, cultural exploration, and culinary delights. By starting your day with a sunrise at St. Mark’s Square, enjoying a typical Italian breakfast at “Al Theatro,” immersing yourself in the art of San Salvador, exploring the Rialto Fish Market and “Drogheria Màscari,” and savoring “cicchetti” at “Bar All’Arco,” you’ll experience the city’s essence like never before. Embrace the tranquility, flavors, and culture of Venice during this magical morning journey.